
Simple, transparent pricing

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Platform Copy
  • Create company profile

  • Product listing

    Up to 3 products




  • Product Features

  • Product comparison tool

  • Marketing materials

    1 per product




  • Product demo requests

  • Arabic Localization (Onboarding)


  • Arabic Localization (Updates)




  • In-Mail via Platform

  • Featured Listing in relevant directory pages

  • Voice of the Expert

  • Priority Support

Marketing & Communication
  • Premium logo placement

  • Content Integration

  • Track Profile Performance

  • Detailed Comparison Notification

Have pricing questions?

We have answers.

What are the new subscription options available on ExploreTECH?

How can I make a payment for my subscription?

What is included in the Launch subscription?

What additional features do I receive with the Accelerate subscription?

What benefits are added with the Transform subscription?

What is unique about the Transform+ subscription?

Are there any discounts available for annual payments?

Can I pay for my subscription monthly?

What payment methods are accepted?

Can I get a refund for my subscription?

Can I cancel my subscription within the first year?

Do subscriptions automatically renew?

What happens to unused benefits related to events?

What additional value do paying subscriptions (Accelerate, Transform, Transform+) receive?

How can I contact the ExploreTECH team for payment-related questions or invoice requests?

Who should I contact if I have other questions about my subscription?

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